DOT – For Whom?

The DOT program is for you if you are looking to better position yourself for the emergent professional world of tomorrow.
According to the World Economic Forum, developed critical thinking, problem solving skills, and self-management are at the top of the list of tomorrow's skills. DOT allows you to take a giant step in this direction.
DOT is for me if:

DOT yields impressive results, if I am a person who:

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DOT is for those who want to better understand our history.
Here, very briefly, is the evolution of our system…

A time when people took jobs to survive. They needed the basics: a place to live, food, clothing, and basic necessities. These people went to work, their wives took care of the children and the household. They worked hard and didn't quit their jobs even if their boss was abusive. It was the era of "the boss is always right."

These employees did not have much education and their opportunities were limited. The concept of loyalty did not exist because there were almost no options.

These people were our grandparents, or great-grandparents.

A period when several technology companies and brands emerged. These companies experienced impressive growth. At that time, the knowledge, expertise and information that each possessed represented a value on the market.

Generally more educated, these employees were looking for "good jobs". Their goal was to improve their lot and not to be in a state of "basic survival" as their parents or grandparents were.

They work to obtain a better standard of living, an "enviable" lifestyle. Basically, they want to earn a good salary to be able to afford a house, a car, provide for children, possibly have a cottage, afford a few luxuries and be able to afford family vacations.

This has been, and is, the case for many of us. More education, better working conditions, better pay, and more options. Loyalty has been altered. When another company than the one you work for can offer you better conditions, changing jobs is possible and socially acceptable.

Often these employees measure their “value” by their salary, and by what they can afford to have “more”, … by working “more”.

+ fast, + big, + large, + expensive, + far = + stressed, + tired.

Today, it is important to realize that many knowledge or expertise no longer bring added value, because many of them are available completely free of charge on the Internet, and are continually updated.

The easiest things to measure aren't always the most meaningful things to feel successful in life.

The period we are living in began to emerge after the financial crisis of 2008-2009. A fundamental “global social-digital” evolution.

Today's workers no longer care about their survival, their grandparents took care of that. They do not care about their standard of living, their parents or they took care of that. The majority of today's workers (20 - 45 years old) have seen their parents work hard, do overtime, and often get fired in a very disrespectful manner. A good example here and in the comments – published in September 2022.

Today's employees are elsewhere. They don't necessarily want to improve their lifestyle - they have seen that happiness is not found there - they want to improve their quality of life on a daily basis. It is the state of mind of the majority of the youngest - 20-40 year olds - that generates our future and what emerges at the level of:

From employment

From the work environment

Of their role

Of their professional opportunities

Opportunities for continuous learning

Of respect and recognition

On work-life balance and their values

DOT is also for those who reach a point in their life where they know that the question their own “satisfaction indicators” to increase their Knows that the inner peace simply.

Did you know that in our changing world, the firm McKinsey observed a whole new type of leaders?

These new leaders take defensive measures to mitigate risks, but they rely on volatility. Volatility, unpredictability, chaos become their pillars. These leaders think differently and go beyond what they learned in the grandes écoles. They no longer target results for the coming month, or for the next quarter. These new leaders Know that the look ahead to the next decade!
One of the CEOs interviewed sums it up well: “I don’t want to compare our performance to the industry – I want to reinvent the industry.”

They are part of the current transformation. They are assessing the most important resource reallocations, reimagining their workforce and adopting a long-term vision for innovative growth.

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***All events and trainings are in French***
Current Month


31jan11:45 a.m.1:15 p.m.DOT Training - January 31, 2025, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. (EDT)9 sessions of 90 minutes


05feb4:00 pm5:30 pmDOT Get-Together (February 5, 2025, 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.)

06feb11:45 a.m.1:15 p.m.DOT Get-Together (February 6, 2025, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m.)


13mar11:45 a.m.1:15 p.m.DOT Training - March 13, 2025, 11:45 a.m. to 1:15 p.m. (EDT)9 sessions of 90 minutes